Heritage Commission
Meeting Time:
Second Tuesday of each month, 6:00 pm at the Florence Township Town Hall, Highway 61, Frontenac Station, Minnesota.
Public is welcome and encouraged.
The mission of the Florence Township Heritage Preservation Commission is to protect and preserve the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and historic features of Florence Township designated Historic Districts.
Heritage Preservation Commission
Welcome to the Florence Township Heritage Preservation Commission web page!
The HPC, which under proposed new bylaws will have seven members, makes recommendations to the Florence Town Board aimed at protecting and preserving the historic and culturally sensitive areas in our beautiful township’s designated historic districts. Working with federal, state and local guidelines posted elsewhere on this page, we review permit requests to ensure that properties designated as historic are not destroyed or damaged. We also host occasional events focused on the township’s history.
If you live in the Old Frontenac Historic District and plan to modify your property, please use the Design Guide Resource and Goodhue County Zoning Regulations, listed nearby on this page. Print a copy of the Design Review Application, fill it out, attach the requested drawings, and bring at least copies to the next HPC meeting. You’ll need approval from the HPC and the township’s Planning Commission before you take your request to the Town Board for final approval.
Questions? Feel free to contact any of the commission’s seven members, each of whom has been appointed by the town board to serve a three-year term. You can reach HPC members at their email addresses listed at right, or at florencetownshiphpc@gmail.com.
Do you have a question about completing a HPC Design Review Application for property maintenance?
You’ll need a building permit for a contractor to re-shingle your home, but if your roof repair is not altering the character or finish of exterior materials, such repairs/maintenance work does not require a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA).
A design review application and COA are required for
Any other exterior change
(Note that this includes some work that would not require other permits from the local government. That is, the requirement for a building permit is NOT a test for whether a COA is required.)
Please refer to the Florence Township Design Guidelines Resource for Local Historic Districts for recommendations on exterior building materials, mass and scale, building heights, lighting, windows,fences, landscapes and demolition.
Township Board
3rd Monday of the
month at 6:00 pm
Planning Commission
2nd Monday of the
month at 6:00 pm
Friends of the Town Hall
2nd Saturday of the
month at 10:00 am
Heritage Commission
2nd Tuesday of the
month at 6:00 pm
Park Commission
1st Tuesday of the
month at 6:00 pm
- Minutes
HPC members are:
Jeff Bolin, Chair
(507) 990-3565
(Started 3/19/24)
Katy Beckman,Secretary
(Started 11/09/21)
Janet Malotky
(Started 5/10/22)
Liz Schmidt, ex officio, Goodhue County Historical Society liaison
Jim McIlrath, ex officio, Florence Town Board liaison
One vacant seat.
HPC members can also be reached at florencetownshiphpc@gmail.com.
7 Members
2-3 year terms
May be reappointed after 3 year break
Annual Meeting in May